Monday, April 15, 2013

x↓↓EASYSPY↓↓x Iphone Easy Spy

iphone easy spy - THE FOLLOWING SITE HAS FULL DATA in reference to iphone easy spy 

When you are on theEasySpy web site to purchase EasySpy for IPhone look for the DOWNLOAD NOW button which can be found at several locations easily on the web site. An image of that button is shown below.
EasySpy download button.
EasySpy download button on the EasySpy web site
When you click it will take you to the order page which will take you to a page which looks like one of the two below. As mentioned above EasySpy uses two payment processing companies(Plimus and Avangate) and which payment processing company your order of EasySpy takes you to depends upon how busy the EasySpy web site is at the time.
Plimus payment processor page for EasySpy smart phone tracker.
Plimus payment processor for EasySpy Cell Tracker
Avangate payment processor for EasySpy smart phone tracker.
Avangate payment processor page for EasySpy Cell Tracker
If the page you are taken to when you click the DOWNLOAD NOW button looks like one of the two above then so far so good.
NOTE: Plimus payment processor does not accept Paypal as a payment option but Avangate does. If you wish to pay by Paypal and clicking the DOWNLOAD NOW button takes you to the Plimus payment processor click the back button on your browser and re click the DOWNLOAD now button. Do this a few times until the payment process page is the Avangate payment processor page. Don't worry - doing this will NOT result in multiple charges.
After filling out the information and submitting your order you can expect a receipt for your payment of EasySpy sent to your email. You will also receive a welcome email fromHighster mobile(makers of EasySpy).
This welcome email will look like the one shown below.
EasySpy cell tracker welcome email.Welcome email sent after purchase of EasySpy phone tracker app.
Click on the link shown in the image of the EasySpy welcome email above to access all four cell phone spy (Android, Blackberry, Iphone, Remote phone spy) as well as the install and use instructions for all four phone spy apps.
Clicking that link will take you to a page that looks like the one below. You will most likely need to log in with the username and password provided in your welcome email as well.
Download page for all of the EasySpy tracker apps.Download page for EasySpy smart phone spy apps.
If you want to install EasySpy to an Android phone to track and Android phone obviously click the ANDROID DEVICES link. If it is an Iphone click APPLE DEVICES, if you want to spy on Blackberry and install EasySpy to Blackberry click the BLACKBERRY DEVICES link. If there is no way you can get access to the target phone to install EasySpy directly to it then click on the link at the top of the page CLICK HERE FOR REMOTE ACCESS.
====================Important Side Note===========================
HERE IS MY ADVICE: Click ALL FOUR of the links and download all four spy apps. WHY? Maybe you only need to spy on a cheating partners Android right now BUT maybe a year from now or two or three or ten years from now you will need to spy on someone's Blackberry or Iphone or you will need to spy on a cell phone remotely. Remember EasySpy is the only phone tracker app that has NO monthly or recurring charges. This means you can use any of the other spy apps in the future without having to pay another dime. Since you paid the $49 why not get four phone spy apps instead of just one?? EasySpy is the only smart phone tracker that does not have repeating future charges so take advantage of that fact.
Let's assume, for the sake of example, you want to spy on an Iphone. When you click the APPLE DEVICES link you are taken to the page shown below. The page for download and install of the Blackberry, Iphone, and remote phone tracker app are very similar to the Iphone app so for the sake of simplicity of this EasySpy tutorial and review we will stick with Iphone for our example.
Clicking on the APPLE DEVICES link will take you to a page like the one below.
EasySpy Iphone tracker app download page.
Download for EasySpy Iphone monitor and tracking app.
Click on the IPHONE MONITOR APP link as in the image above. This will take you to the goldmine page which has the exact and simple instructions for how to begin spying on their phone. Regardless of whether you are spying on an Iphone, Android, Blackberry or using the remote phone spy the instructions and accompanying images are almost identical.
The entire process will take no more than about 10 minutes. From that point on once the install is complete the EasySpy mobile tracker app will run silently and invisibly on the target phone every time the phone is started or restarted. EasySpy runs in the background process so it will be seamless and invisible to the phone owner.
Once the EasySpy app has successfully been installed it will begin reporting spy details related to the phone it is installed on in about 10 to 15 minutes. Simply log in to your EasySpy members area again with the username and password provided in your welcome email. Once logged in you click on the CALLS tab to view phone calls the target phone has made and received, the SMS tab to view text messages, etc. The next sectionInside EasySpy Members Area will show you exactly what you will see regarding spy details of the target phone. This is the most fun part of spying on a cell phone and what you will be able to see is going to absolutely blow your mind!
- See more at:

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